Saturday, August 7, 2010

Complete "Success with Houseplants" Index

....well as far as I know that is. It took hours upon hours of work to compile this information and I offer it to you for free. All I ask is that you leave a comment letting me know that you have downloaded it and all my work has not gone to waste.
Success with Houseplants Index
...all 48 pages worth.

Just a reminder, I do have some extra pages for sale if anyone needs to fill in the gaps in their collection.

Also if you have pages that are not listed in my index, PLEASE let me know.



  1. Wow! This is impressive. Thanks again for such a useful resource! Now I know I am nowhere near completing my collection. How much time did you spend making this index? I noticed some of the duplicates I had, where the inserts had two different titles, one of them was printed in West Germany (but in English). Was there some kind of international edition?

  2. would like to trade with other collectors to get more card


  3. Thank you SO much for the index. Now it will be so much easier to look up my plants.
    Regards, Pym

    1. I just discovered the binder series, Success With Houseplants. My friend found 3 of the binders at an estate sell. I enjoy them so much. I have a passion for plants.
      Thank you so, so much for all of your time & effort in creating this complete index. And, thanks for sharing.

  4. Hi..would you still happen to have any extra sets for sale? I realize this page is just a little bit old :) (


Your comments are much appreciated.